
Monday, September 30, 2013


The idea of living in a cave was fine with me and that thing made me happy. we reached our cave and then Hermes left after giving me the stew given by my step-mom, really to say Persephone was nothing like Hera, she was calm, cool and most of all loved me and in return I loved her too. Okay now this cave only looked like a cave from outside but inside it was wonderful. It had four corners and in each corner there was a bunker type thing and in the middle of it was a four seated dining table. I went to my corner now my bunker was of black color with a skull on top of it; this skull was made of ivory. Each bunker had drawer at its side. My drawer had some of my spell books, (I learnt magic from Hecate last year) and the drawer had the Pictures of me and Hades together and too one with Persephone, on my bed was my sword. Now to start with Aiden was a very rude guy this I came to know after a few hours we met. Annabel, Athena's daughter was now my close friend, she was wise like her mother. For dinner the three of us ate the same chicken stew which Hermes had given us before he went, it was made by Persephone and we enjoyed eating it. This food was not made in underworld so was eatable. We slept after that on our beds. Aiden's Bunker and corner was of blue color, the color of the sky I mean Zeus, his bunker was filled with lightning marks. Annabel’s corner was of dark orange type color and the whole place had owls on it. I slept as soon as I kept my head on my pillow, gifted by my mortal mother; this pillow was soft like a feather. I usually used to get no dreams but I found today was not the day I saw a palace full of ice and just then the scenes changed I saw myself in the top pest floor of that palace. it was a smelly place and I saw I boy lying over there he wore a green t-shirt and was in a deep sleep just then I saw two huge men coming from a distance one of them was taller than the other and they both were in old-fashioned clothes. one of them spoke, "oh Rian I wish I could go out of this place and my this wish will come true when this son of Poseidon will flood this place with his powers" the one called Rian said, " well said but my dear brother I have heard that the Gods have chosen the ones for the big Quest, but ha we need not worry they can't come to know that we are in the centre of Africa and are in the depths of the largest sand dune seen there. Again the scenes shifted and I found my self in the room of Hades and Persephone, I was still in the ghost form but as being the King and the Queen of the dead they could clearly see me, Hades said, " Ah my daughter Makaria listen the dream you just had is the real address of the son of Poseidon that you have to find, listen my daughter as you all lack fighting skills so I would suggest you to use your wisdom and magic." I told Hades not to worry as I will take good care and do as told. Persephone told me not to worry about anything as they will guide me when need and plus told me to have faith on each and everyone on this Quest and on even Aiden.

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