I waltzed around New York City. Waltzed isn't exactly the word for it though.. more like walked avoiding the creepy ghosts that appeared out of walls and ruined the beautiful view of the Empire State Building all lit up. The ghosts moved towards me and i batted them away.
"Leave me alone!" I grumbled. "Jeez!" The dispersed, but rather slowly seeing as they were probably made of just air. I frowned and continued walking.
Suddenly, I heard a thud. I spun fast and came face to face with someone i didnt recognize. Their blue eyes shone in the light. Other then that, i could see nothing. Whoever it was looked shocked to see me as well. I thought for a second. I knew those eyes... they were-
Meandering around NYC looking for a girl who was supposedly crazy (as in mental-issues crazy) was not much fun. I stood in the alley, watching her. She had to be a Hades kid. she kept waving at things i couldn't see, ghosts most likely. i pulled my hood over my face and dropped down behind her. I wasnt as careful as I thought, though, and she spun around. Crap i thought. I saw almost-black her eyes widen in surprise as they locked on my electric blue ones. I felt a shiver go down my spine as i pulled off my hood.
sorry about the dual-perspective if its confusing, but i think it gives the story a mysterious mood! also feel free to comment character ideas! sorry if this isnt soooooo long.